Maximizing Customer Engagement: Optimize Your Website for Conversion
June 2, 2023
The ultimate goal is to fulfill the wishes of every visitor to your site.
Every person who types in a request and clicks that magical button is fueled by an awe-inspiring thought. They are seeking that one elusive item or nugget of information.
And what does this mean for you?
It’s simple—each visitor to your site isn’t merely “window shopping” or casually browsing. They have a wish. They possess a genuine interest in what you have to offer, and something convinced them that your site will fulfill that wish.
This is the distinction between prospecting, where you identify potential customers, and positioning, where the potential customer discovers your product.
Remember, positioning takes less time to convert into a sale.
I often remind business owners, “The sole purpose of people visiting your site is to find out if you have what they’re looking for.” They aren’t concerned about the fluff—how amazing you think your company is or the number of employees you have.
Furthermore, they don’t want to spend valuable time scouring your site for that one piece of vital information. Websites that overwhelm visitors with irrelevant content only serve to frustrate them, leading to their departure and your loss of potential sales.
The ultimate goal, of course, is to fulfill the wishes of every visitor to your site.
The more effectively you achieve this, the greater your chances of gaining new customers.
It’s crucial to understand that people make snap judgments within milliseconds—faster than the blink of an eye—to determine whether your page holds the information they seek. Slow-loading pages and sites that fail to promptly convey the point lose visitors. All critical information about your company’s products or services must be “above the fold” and easily recognizable through a quick scan of the text.
Since you can’t (and shouldn’t) squeeze everything about your company onto the front page, and you can’t predict which page visitors will enter, the links on your site need to be easily readable and identifiable. Use link names that clearly indicate what each page offers. Avoid using cryptic or whimsical links or buttons, as they won’t assist visitors in finding the desired information.
In your quest to cater to all visitors, you may be tempted to list every product or service as a long list of links or buttons—resist this temptation. Studies have demonstrated that people need a manageable number of choices; otherwise, they quickly become overwhelmed.
Ensure that the most crucial information is located at or near the top of the page. This includes product and service links, call-to-action messages, and promotions. It’s also advisable to incorporate links within bulleted lists or bold text, even if you already have a button leading to the same page in the site navigation. Since visitors may explore your site in different ways, try to accommodate these differences by providing several pathways.
Remember that every click on your site represents another step in the process of doing business with your company. The more clicks required, the greater the potential for frustrating your visitors to the point of abandonment.
Every step in the process should hold meaning and value for your visitors. It’s always wise to seek an external perspective by having someone outside your organization examine your website and determine how they would navigate to find information.
Compile a list of tasks that a typical visitor might attempt to complete—such as finding a specific service or purchasing a particular item—and request individuals to complete these tasks. Identify any obstacles that hinder their progress and strive to eliminate them.
Every visit to your site commences with a single click and the hope of fulfilling that one request. Extend your visitors the courtesy of respecting their visit by providing them with the necessary information in the easiest and least time-consuming manner. In the end, you’ll discover an increased percentage of visitors transforming into valuable customers.
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